oh to reach a canyon in the Rockies without a car. By bus and on foot. Amazing! Boulder really does rock. Where is my caribou?
They call it Goat Rock. or Elephant Buttress. and the creek below has a spot called Jones' Hole where people play music and swim and picnic and watch rock climbers. The perfect spot really, to catch the breeze. But it still gets better. Climbing up the Rock the breeze becomes wind, flowerpetals fly through the air, the sun westward makes a halo with its golden glow and it was gold that urged the white man through this canyon. This is the Athens of the West and the Dahlonega of the Rockies, wrapped together in one. Denver pigeons give way to Boulder white-throated swifts.
carved into concrete on the Boulder Creek Bike Trail:
"Chief Niwot will get you and so will Jesus"
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