Thursday, September 10, 2009

Florida Springs, Part 2: The (sur)Real Florida

There's a voice that says "just let yourself be..."
Is it a lady or is it a manatee?
You'll have to come down to the spring and see.

Mimimolotov the mullet seems to disagree:
"There's people up there and I have to jump up and see,
and never mind the fishermen down at Steinhatchee."
(but it does sound like an exciting industry)

There are places where the humans don't really get to go
and that's ok with us as long as they know
sometimes we do have to remind them, though

(and sometimes they have to build fences to make sure no boats try to slip through)

my country home,
my lovely, never lonely,
Black Lagoon

where algae and branches are walkways
over floors I don't even know how deep

All photos at Wakulla Springs State Park (Wakulla, FL)
except #2 of the mullet at Manatee Springs
and the above photo is at Sally Ward Spring inside Wakulla Park.

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